No Rush

Comments   0   Date Arrow  December 1, 2003 at 12:37pm   User  by joel

Well, here we are in December already, and I’m just now getting to posting something. I bought this domain back in February of 2001, got hosting space for it in February of this year (2003), and set up the blog software (Movable Type) in April. But I never started posting because I wanted to tweak a few things and get it set up the way I wanted it to be first. Meanwhile Andi’s been posting for a month and a half and I keep thinking, “hey, I oughta post something about…” Which brings me to this, the twelfth month of the year, and that elusive time to persue perfection remains unfound. So I’ve decided I’ve just been rather silly about the whole thing, and I should just post what I want and worry about tweaking and fiddling later (including thinking of a better title than “Joel’s Thoughts”).

So here I am! Feel free to stop by as (in)frequently as you like, sign my guestbook, comment on my blindingly brilliant or (more likely) incomprehensible posts, and in general make yourself at home. Fair warning, though — I’ll be all over the map from my kids to politics (heads up, Jeff 😉 ), tech, faith, and anywhere else my fancy leads me. Should be an interesting ride…

Tagged   Just Life