Still wandering around here somewhere…

Comments   2   Date Arrow  October 16, 2008 at 11:05pm   User  by joel

Yeah, so I still exist.  I’ve been getting too caught up lately in political analysis, I must say.  I’m much more fascinated by what people say about the candidates than by what they say themselves, oddly enough.  Anyway, I’ve also recently started poking around a bit with Twitter, believe it or not, and I’m contemplating taking the Facebook plunge.  The stain on the Intarweb that is MySpace (no, they don’ t even get a link from me) turned me off to the whole genre for awhile, but I’ve been assured that Facebook is actually for grownups.  While I’m not sure how that makes me qualified, I’ve begun to be curious enough to perhaps check it out.

Tagged   Just Life


  • #1.   Beth 10.21.2008

    Facebook is fun! Well, not sure I’m really that into it, and I don’t check it enough for it to be useful in any way, but random people (like Cathy Miller!) have found me on Facebook and said hello. Interesting study in human behavior. I’m also intrigued by the software’s choice of “people you may know.” Some of them are better forgotten… Anyway, there’s my 2 cents for the day. And I’m glad to hear you haven’t dropped off the face of the earth. 🙂

  • #2.   Brenna 11.26.2008

    Don’t worry, you’re not a grownup. 😉 I have to admit, the FB thing is pretty interesting. I’ve gotten in touch with people I’d just about forgotten about; some good, some…well, forgettable. But I’m glad you & Andi are on now–good shtuff!